Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Moving into This Dry Walled & Painted Yes

Moving day!

           Yep, boxes and bags.
            Target and Walmart sacks.
            Bare walls, bare shelves.
            Wiping our feet because the yard is dirt, but the carpet is new. 
            Heavy furniture, heavy for my hands, heavy enough to make me worn out, heavy enough to make me extra grateful for a brother who is strong, for a brother to boss around.  “Dave, what are you doing? Can you carry this? Hey, can you pick this up?  Will you go with me to their house to load up my bed? Dave, I think I want it over here instead.”

            But tonight I’m sitting here, finally sitting in my house.  For 5 months, I walked around the house without a seat to rest on, walked around with the pressure to critique the details and to make the decisions.  But tonight I’m sitting, and I wouldn’t make another decision even at gunpoint. 
            I picked up my pen and prayer journal, but what else can I tell God tonight besides Thank You?  I opened the pages of the journal and instead of writing, I started reading prayers I had written in 2012 and 2013.  

            Yep, 2012 and 2013.
            Questions and dreams,
            Prayers on pages,
            Tears and fears of those years,      
            Millennial girl, millennial music, millennial friends, this is my generation.
            It’s a heavy time, heavy burdens, heavy in my hands, heavy enough to make me worn out, heavy enough to make me extra grateful for a God who is strong, for a God who moves me and moves in my life.  “God, what are you doing? God, can you carry this? God, will you go with me there? God, I think I want that instead of this.”

            My friend Samantha told me that she keeps a journal that records all the answers to prayers that God has given her.  Her prayers aren’t like a Christmas list of stuff she wants; her prayers are asking her heavenly Father to do miracles in her family, to equip her to be all that He created her to be, to teach her new things, to help her love others deeply.  When she asks for God to work in her life in specific ways, she can see how He shows up in those details. So she writes down these answers to prayer in a journal.
            She calls it a “Yes Journal.”  Whenever she’s discouraged, she looks back at her Yes Journal, and she can see the unseen ways that God said,
            Yes, I’m here. 
            Yes, I care.
            Yes, I love you. 
            Yes, I hear you. 
            Yes, I forgive you.
            Yes, I’m working in your sister’s life. 
            Yes, I’m going to provide.
            Yes, I’m going to give you something better than you asked for.
            If Samantha is low on faith, she reads each Yes after Yes after Yes and remembers that God is good after all, after all, after all she’s been through.  So many prayers she hasn’t seen answers to, so many questions to still seek out, so many hopes to still wait for.  But she looks back at the Yeses, and her faith increases.
            Yep, I look for it too.
            Each Yes after Yes after Yes.
            Faith will increase, increase.
            Teasing out my timidity,
            Trumping my passivity,
            Tearing through the trails of my twenties.
            Slap me if I ever hold back again, if I ever forget what God did, if I ever fail to see the yeses in the midst of the messes, if I ever dismiss the Yes after Yes after Yes that came with building my house.  God built my house; God built my trust.

            I’m sitting here tonight.  For years I prayed for God to provide a place for me, and I felt discouraged each time the places didn’t work out. For 22 months, I didn’t think I’d make it through the financing process to build, and I prayed for God to make a way. Now I’m sitting here tonight in my 2000 square-foot Yes.  And you can see this Yes from the road.  And I get to live in this dry walled and painted Yes, a daily reminder of what God did for me, a daily reminder that I can trust Him to always be loving and faithful.  The God who gave me a Yes yesterday is the same God who hears me today and who provides for me tomorrow.

            Yep, boxes and bags.
            Target and Walmart sacks.
            Bare walls, bare shelves.
            Wiping our feet because the yard is dirt, but the carpet is new. 
            The carpet, the cabinets, the sinks, the windows,
            It’s all new.
            It’s all new—new joys, new challenges, new tools.
            There will be new No’s, but new Yeses too.
            New Yeses in the midst of new messes.
            Yes after Yes after Yes.
            This is the God I trust.

My grandma came to see my house! xoxo

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