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Beth Moore :) |
On April
24, 2010, our church hosted a simulcast of Beth Moore teaching from the
Bible. We had over 200 women who came
early on a Saturday morning to watch Beth Moore on the screen. I was part of the planning team that
organized the event. I was so happy to
finally take my seat and take in the event that we had been working hard to
When Beth
Moore started talking, she did not start teaching right away. Instead, she
began sharing how hectic her week had been.
Her son-in-law needed to have emergency surgery at the beginning of the
week, so Beth stepped in to take care of her two grandchildren while her
son-in-law and daughter were at the hospital.
She kept sharing more and more details about the hospital visits and her
grandchildren’s nap schedules and in my mind, I began to say, Come on, Beth. Get on with it. So many people have worked hard to make this
event happen. Thousands of women across the country have set aside their
Saturday to listen to you teach God’s Word.
Wrap this story up, and start teaching.
But then
Beth described to us her conversations with God during her hectic week. In the
midst of doing something like feeding her grandchildren their lunch, she would
pray, God, You know that I need to teach
thousands of people on Saturday. You need to give me the words. Right now I
need to take care of my grandchildren, but on Thursday I’m going to work on my
talk, and I need You to give me the words on Thursday.
As Beth
would put the kids to bed, she’d pray the same thing: Thursday, Lord. I need You to give me the words on Thursday.
You should
know that I love kids, but even so, my first thought was, Why in the world couldn’t they find someone else to help with the kids
for a few hours each day, so Beth could prepare for her biggest speaking
engagement of the year? But that’s
not where Beth’s focus was. She wanted
to be there for her family when they needed her. And what’s more: She trusted God enough that
He would not only provide her the strength to care for her grandchildren, but
also that on Thursday He would provide her the exact right words of the message
He wanted her to share on Saturday.
That’s one way to live on the edge.
But it’s
also one way to live in freedom.
I sat
staring at the screen, thinking, Beth,
you are crazy incredible. She was
able to take care of her grandchildren one day, trusting that God would give
her the message the next day. What freedom that must be.
For my job
at my church, I usually teach in at least 2 contexts each week--once with a microphone with people who are younger than me and once around a table with people who are older than me. Both opportunities are so important to me, and I know I am accountable for the teaching I give them. I’m the type who likes to plan things in
advance, to have my notes written out and my outline ready to go. But sometimes unexpected responsibilities pop
up, and I look up and realize I have only 2 days left to prepare a lesson. In
those moments, I remember Beth Moore’s attitude, and I feel peace as I follow
her pattern of prayer. Lord, You know that this week has been
hectic, and I was needed elsewhere. I can't do it all. Now tomorrow when I sit down at 10am, I’m
begging You to show me what You want me to say during the lesson. Right
now I’m taking care of this other important responsibility, but
tomorrow—tomorrow please give me the words.
I used to feel so much pressure
to “come up with something really good” when I taught, but I don’t think it was
a healthy pressure because it was focused on me instead of God. But now trusting God to give me the words
takes the sharp pressure off my shoulders and places the focus on His power
instead of my abilities. I submit to the
Holy Spirit’s teaching, I quiet my heart and talk to Him, and I have to pay extra close attention to the Holy
Spirit’s promptings because there is no time for me to dilly dally and get
This has
also been true of this 31-day blogging challenge. Every morning when I drive to
work, I pray, Lord, I don’t know exactly what
You want me to write today, but I trust You will give me the words.
Does this
translate to your life at all? In what ways do you need to trust in God’s power
instead of your own abilities? Do you want Him to take the sharp pressure off
your shoulders?
Jesus said, “Come to me, all you who are
weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me,
for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke
is easy and my burden is light.” (Matthew 11:28-30)
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